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जल्दी Zombie Faction चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।
जल्दी Zombie Faction चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।

Zombie Faction

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Construa um abrigo e sobreviva a um apocalipse zumbi
nc_content; Zombie Faction is a management and strategy-based game that challenges you to build a shelter where your survivors can face all the threats that surviving a zombie apocalypse involve. As you can imagine, zombies will be one of your main problems, but, the rest of the survivors will actually be an even bigger problem. You have total freedom when it comes to building the shelter. You can build more than a dozen different types of rooms, garages, barracks and storage units. You can also recruit a ton of different players and employ them inside your shelter. One of the most entertaining parts of Zombie Faction is to attack other players’ shelters. To do that, you need to pick a couple of survivors from your shelter and guide them to your enemy’s shelter. You can even perform special skills during certain moments of the game. Zombie Faction is a strategy based game with a really fun zombie setting that also has amazing visuals.