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जल्दी Symmetria चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।
जल्दी Symmetria चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।


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Crie figuras simétricas em grelhas
nc_content; Symmetria is a puzzle game where you have to try to create symmetrical figures on a grid. To play, you just have to tap the tiles on the lower grid that correspond to the ones marked on the grid above. At first it may seem easy ... but it won't take you long to realize it's not at all. In Symmetria, you can find multiple game modes. In campaign mode, you can advance though more than 70 different levels, which you can solve pretty easily. In endless mode, however, you have limited time to solve each puzzle and if the time runs out, you lose. Symmetria is an original and fun puzzle game that offers a ton of different levels and a some really pretty graphics. Plus, thanks to color blind mode, you can change the overall look of the game so that everyone can enjoy it.