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जल्दी Super Toss The Turtle चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।
जल्दी Super Toss The Turtle चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।

Super Toss The Turtle

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Lance a sua tartaruga o mais alto que conseguir
nc_content; Super Toss The Turtle is a game where you have to throw a turtle up in the air as high as you can. This is essentially an improved version of the classic Flash game Toss the Turtle, one of the most-played games in the history of the Newgrounds studio. The gameplay in Super Toss The Turtle is practically identical to the original. You calculate the direction and force of the toss with the canon you use to send your turtle flying, and once it's launched you have to lightly adjust its trajectory. Plus you can shoot up to three stones to help him get further. Just like with the original game, as you play and improve your score you can also buy all sorts of turtle-y upgrades: missiles to send him further, more resistant shells, new weapons, and much more. Super Toss The Turtle is a wild game that might not offer anything new (in fact it's practically a carbon copy of the title from several years ago), it's still terrifically addictive and fun.