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जल्दी Ruzzle Adventure चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।
जल्दी Ruzzle Adventure चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।

Ruzzle Adventure

9 avaliações
डाउनलोड |
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Classificação Livre
23.3 MB
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Aventuras com o mais popular jogo de palavras
nc_content; Ruzzle Adventure is an adventure version of the classic Ruzzle, where your aim is to create as many words as you can using the available letters in each board. Unlike the original Ruzzle game, which was designed to be played mainly online against other players, in Ruzzle Adventure you can enjoy a solo adventure where you cross several worlds, solving loads of boards full of letters. In total there are more than 150 puzzles waiting to be solved. The words you create will give you more points based on their length and what letters you use. A word of five letters will usually be worth more than one with only four, but using less common letters will give you more points. You'll also find multipliers and letter bombs. Ruzzle Adventure is a dynamic and fun word game where you can play quick matches that will challenge your knowledge of the language. And best of all, you can even choose which language you want to play in.