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जल्दी Orbits चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।
जल्दी Orbits चिह्न पर हस्ताक्षर करें।


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Teste seus reflexos enquanto você se move de uma órbita para outra
nc_content; Orbits is an arcade game where players control a small circle that they have to maneuver into the orbit of the same color. Along the way, though, you'll have to pass through other orbits and dodge tons of obstacles. Orbit's gameplay is simple: your circle always spins clockwise, but touching the screen will cause it to change sides of the orbit. This change in sides will help you dodge spikes as well as move from one orbit to another. A huge problem you'll come across regularly in Orbits is that to enter into the orbit that matches your color, you'll first have to collect diamonds of the same color. And, of course, these little shapes can only be found in the most difficult-to-access places. Orbits is a game to test your reflexes and how quickly you can think. Don't be fooled by its simple graphics: it's really a fun and addictive game that can sometimes be overwhelmingly difficult.